First Day of First Grade
And here we go his first day of first grade, hard to believe already!! He said he had a good day and that he likes his teacher Mrs Krantz and his class, hopefully that will stay as it is!! The funny thing is he said he had homework, but as I looked through the paperwork it's more like I have homework, not him, haha. 

Some recent pics
Soccer 2007
My birthday Feb 2007
Dutch Wonderland 2007
Been Awhile...New Interview!!
It's been a LONG time since I've posted here and I actually forgot my user name and password, haha. Since it's been so long, here is a new interview with Logan, done just a few moments ago. Check back in a day or two, I might have some new pics. :D1. What is your age? 62. What is your favorite movie? Doom3. What is your favorite TV show? Ed Edd & Eddie4. What is your favorite food? Peanut Butter Sandwich5. What is your favorite snack? Chewies6. What is your favorite drink? Dr Pepper7. What do you like to do at night? Sleep8. What are the names of our pets? Tiger, Toona, Buddy, Seamus9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Football player10. Did you like Kingergarten? was great11. What did you like best about it? The centers12. What will you miss? The centers13. Are you excited about first grade? Yes14. What are you looking forward to most? Well...playing football, flag football15. What is your favorite book? Lady & The Tramp16. What is your favorite video game? That's an easy one, football17. Name some of your friends? Shawn, Albert, Sarah, Michael and Brendan....and another Brendan, two Brendans18. If you could change one thing about your bedroom, what would it be? The whole bedroom, I would, put dragons on my walls, I mean black walls with red dragons that were blowing black fire but white fire so you could see it, I mean light fire19. What are two of your favorite kinds of animals? Cats and dogs20. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Speedy fast21. If you had three wishes, what would they be? A kitten sitter, a puppy sitter and a dog sitter22. If you could visit any place right now, where would you visit? Iraq, I mean Texas, I mean Iraq23. Do you like being 6 years old? Nah, not really, hehe24. If you had lots of money, what would you buy? A new house, and a new room, and new CDs for my dad, and new bobble heads for me25. What do you like to collect? Bouncy balls, tooth brushes, maybe shot glasses when I grow up26. If you could take photographs of anything, what would it be? cat and my dad and Tiger and my dad's bed and my bed27. If you could dress up in photographs, what would you dress up as? Ninja28. What do you want for Christmas? I want, uh...a bobble head and I want I don't know what else29. If you could own any pets, besides a dog or a cat, what would they be? A tiger, a mountain lion, a lion, a female lion and a baby lion30. Is there anything else you'd like to say? No