Saturday, December 01, 2007

New Interview

1- Are you looking forward to Christmas? Yes

2- What things would you like to get this year? Eye Coaster, Soccer Boppers, more robots if they have any and some more army airplanes.

3- What is the best part about Christmas? Presents

4- What are some of your favorite Christmas decorations? reindeer and santa and lights

5- Can you name Santa's Reindeer? Rudolph, I don't know.

6- What are some of your favorite Christmas movies? Rudolph, Grandma got run over by a reindeer, the grinch.

7- If you had a Christmas wish, what would it be? I wish I had my dad.

8- Do you like to stay up late for the New Years? Yeeessss, cuz I don't have no school.

9- What are some things you liked about 2007? Halloween, Turkey Day, um, turkey treating...

10- What do you look forward to in 2008? Halloween, Christmas, New years

11- How many teeth are loose and where are they? 2 loose teeth and they're both next to each other and they are down on the bottom.

12- What is the best part about school right now? Gym

13- What is the worst part? Math

14- Who are some of your friends this year? Austin, Albert, Josh, Hunter, Bobby, Meg and Gabby

15- Do you have any girlfriends? Yes and I'm not telling you who

16- What is one of your favorite things to do in school? Gym

17- Do you like spelling or math better? Math

18- What is your favorite shirt right now? My black army shirt that says ON-94 US Fleet and has a ship on it.

19- What are some of your favorite toys you play with now? My army planes, my army men, my army tank.

20- Do you like Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall better? Winter and summer

21- Is there anything else you'd like to say? No.


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