Growing Up- Five To Infinity
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
New Interview
1- Are you looking forward to Christmas? Yes
2- What things would you like to get this year? Eye Coaster, Soccer Boppers, more robots if they have any and some more army airplanes.
3- What is the best part about Christmas? Presents
4- What are some of your favorite Christmas decorations? reindeer and santa and lights
5- Can you name Santa's Reindeer? Rudolph, I don't know.
6- What are some of your favorite Christmas movies? Rudolph, Grandma got run over by a reindeer, the grinch.
7- If you had a Christmas wish, what would it be? I wish I had my dad.
8- Do you like to stay up late for the New Years? Yeeessss, cuz I don't have no school.
9- What are some things you liked about 2007? Halloween, Turkey Day, um, turkey treating...
10- What do you look forward to in 2008? Halloween, Christmas, New years
11- How many teeth are loose and where are they? 2 loose teeth and they're both next to each other and they are down on the bottom.
12- What is the best part about school right now? Gym
13- What is the worst part? Math
14- Who are some of your friends this year? Austin, Albert, Josh, Hunter, Bobby, Meg and Gabby
15- Do you have any girlfriends? Yes and I'm not telling you who
16- What is one of your favorite things to do in school? Gym
17- Do you like spelling or math better? Math
18- What is your favorite shirt right now? My black army shirt that says ON-94 US Fleet and has a ship on it.
19- What are some of your favorite toys you play with now? My army planes, my army men, my army tank.
20- Do you like Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall better? Winter and summer
21- Is there anything else you'd like to say? No.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Kids Say The Darndest Things
This is a different kind of interview, at the advice of someone. This is one where it's not facts or his personal favorites, but rather his answers to questions that just popped into my head, haha.
1- Why is the sky blue? Because of the sun's weather that makes it blue.
2- Why are cigarettes bad for you? Because they go down into your lungs and they your lungs and your heart and that could sometimes kill you.
3- If you won a million dollars, what would you buy? I would a mansion, I would buy a um, um, uh, a plasma TV, I would have a bunch of pets and I would have a bunch of kitties and I would have a helicoptor.
4- What kind of aliens do you think are out in space? None
5- Why is candy bad for you? Because it makes your teeth and it gives you bad breath and it's bad because it gives you cavities.
6- Why do you think it rains? I know why it rains, because all these tiny little droplets go up and form into a cloud and when too many get up there they all start to drop down.
7- What happened to the dinosaurs? Some people think that they ate too many plants and then all the plants were gone and they died and some people thought a giant meteor came down and hit the Earth and wiped out every dinosaurs except for the spiders, the aligators, the crocodiles, the bats and...I forget what else, but don't put that!
8- How many stars are in space? One hundred and eighty million hundred, including the Sun.
9- Do you think ghosts are real? I would have to pass on that one, yes I do think they are real.
10- What would happen if our sun went out? Our planet would be dark, cold, all of our plants would die, all of animals would start to die, all bats would start to die, insects would start to die, we would start to die and nothing would live here and we'd have to move to another planet.
11- How old is old to you? 100 years old
12- Do you want to get married someday and if so, what age? I want to get married at 19.
13- How many kids do you want to have? 1
14- Where do puppies come from? They come from their mother's butts.
15- Why do you think some people hurt other people sometimes? Because they are crazy, they are stupid, they are dumb, they don't know how to act, they drink, they drive and they re-end people with the cars, they make people drive into trees, because they are probably drunk taxi drivers...
16- Why do we have to go to the bathroom? Because food makes poop and water makes pee.
17- Where does Oxygen come from? Oxygen comes from the clouds, I don't know where it comes from...erase there erase there...erase clouds, I know where it comes from! Oxygen comes from trees.
18- Why do you think grass is green? Because the seeds and the dirt makes it green.
19- If whales weren't called whales, what do you think they'd be called? and the fish would be called whales.
20- Why does peanut butter and jelly taste so good? Because the peanut butter is rich and tasty and the jelly is made with grapes that taste so good except for the animals.....i give up on that one!
21- How do you think it would be if your ears didn't work? Thoughtless, I wouldn't be able to think about anything so I would be able to think and my ears help me to know what to hear and what to think about.
22- How many people do you think there are in America? One hundred thousand.
23- How does an egg turn into a bird? Because the bird comes out of it.
24- If the Moon crashed into the Earth, what would happen? Well, a whole part of the Earth, would be dead.
25- How old do you think you'll live to be? uh...100 hopefully, please
Well, that's enough for this round, hope that is a good interview for you all! :D
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
YOUR questions.
I want to compile a list of questions that other people aside from myself have come up with. I would ask that each person asks 1 or 2 questions of Logan you'd like to know and once I get up to 20 questions or so I will make a new interview out of it, listing who asked, so make sure you put your name too. I will not ask him any questions of someone who has not left their name. THANKS! Viewer interaction!!! :D
Monday, August 27, 2007
First Day of First Grade
And here we go his first day of first grade, hard to believe already!! He said he had a good day and that he likes his teacher Mrs Krantz and his class, hopefully that will stay as it is!! The funny thing is he said he had homework, but as I looked through the paperwork it's more like I have homework, not him, haha.